Sonntag, 5. Januar 2014

REVIEWS "S.K.S. - ONE" 7"EP!spy-kids---sks---one/cnrq

Spy Kids - S.K.S. One

Rächer Records - EP -

623_spy_kids.jpgAfter the split EP with their friends Anti Clockwise come Spy Kids with next EP called S.K.S. One. On Ep are four songs called S.K.S. (which is their well known song which isn´t recorded on previous albums but they had it on their myspace and their played it on their gigs), then cover Chip on your Shoulder from Cock Sparrer, Freund oder Feind and Tattoo Song. In Spy Kids plays two girls – singer Anika (which you may know from split with Anti Clockwise) and bass player Zdenka who comes from Czech Republic, but you surely know all that. This is their third EP. So when it come sto the songs - S.K.S. (Spy Kids Skinheads) is anthem of the band and it is about the band attitude to all left and right wing activists. Chip on your Shoulder is not necessary to introduce. Freund oder Feind is classic one about so called friends and the last one Tattoo Song is about how you want more and more after the visiting the studio. Band is playing nice oi/streetpunk with some small solos (like in S.K.S., with nice riff at the end which reminds me Chaos from 4 Skins) and great fact is also changing of the girl in vocals. Freund oder Feind is most straightforward song from the EP and Tattoo Song is great singalon – immer mehr, immer mehr. EP is limited to 206 copies (50 copies are with Cock Sparrer rip off cover). Inside is paper with lyrics and band photo on the background. Photo is also on the backside of the cover. Straightforward and sincerity this is what you receive from Spy Kids so buy it or come and listen to them in September when they hit CZ again!
Author: Peddy  •  Rating: 8  •  Date: 02.01.2014 •  Buy HERE
+++Backstreet Battalion Skinzine+++

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